Rambling Anthology
So, I logged onto Facebook today, and I see all these colorful posts.  I'm thinking--wtf, is everyone drunk?  Then I realized what day it is, and so that's probably not far from the truth...


Happy Mardi Gras! Where ever you celebrate, be safe.  The Pope wont be there to absolve you.  And now I'm freaking out because I don't want people to think I'm Catholic (I love you Catholics, no offense), which I'm not; I just know that here in America, we'll drink on any holiday we can get our hands on. 

If you're interested in the history of this special holiday, go to the history channel, before they blame everything on aliens.
Anyone reading this trapped in the blizzard in the northeast U.S.?  If you know come across a homeless person, if you can, give 'em a few bucks for a hotel, or your couch to bunk on so they don't die (and be thankful for what you have, I know I am.)
Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
--Samuel Beckett

Have you ever felt depressed?  Do your friends complain about you being high strung?  Are you a little lugubrious?  Constantly an anxious wreck?  As long as it's not due to my questions (or maybe because of them) keep reading.
So I was cruising BBC.com (don't judge me, the UK needs love too) when I came across this article about the high incidences of anxiety and depression.  Peter Kinderman, the author of the article, calls out the shrinks diagnosing so many people with 'meaningless mental illnesses.'  He goes on to say: 

          "But diagnosis and the language of biological illness obscure the causal role of factors such as abuse, poverty and social deprivation. The result is often further stigma, discrimination and social exclusion."

I had suspected something like this for a long time, but couldn't put it to words, so I searched online, curious to read others opinions (that matched my own, who doesn't do that?), and found another article on CNN's website about ADHD cases in Western kids getting higher.  I wondered why that was happening. 
That really brings it home for me.  In college, the school shrink diagnosed me with "Generalized Anxiety Disorder"--I was always a high strung, very strange child.  I felt (and still do) that I didn't do well with others.  When I got that label, I milked it.  I had found a reason to stay in my room instead of socializing.  But, the psychiatrist at my school was marvelous, and within a few sessions I was out of my shell and relatively normal, if still relatively high strung.  

But, why are mental illnesses rising?  I think it's a mix of slightly off brain functions mixing with a rise in assholes around us.
I'm not trying to knock anyone who actually has a serious mental illness (I have plenty of friends with them--I know more about bi-polar than I care to...), but I think as a group, humans like to label things, which can lead to box-thinking.

Life is complex, and labeling can help us...if our ancestors didn't label something 'bad' we might've been trampled by mammoths or poisoned by bad mushrooms.  We just need to be careful about going too far, or placing judgement on others.  They may be less crazy than you think.
BBC article: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20986796
CNN article: http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/21/california-data-shows-adhd-cases-rising/
Psychology Today: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/alternative-truths/201005/why-its-dangerous-label-people
Some people try to find things in this game that don't exist, but football is only two things-blocking and tackling.
--Vince Lombardi
Anyone see the Super Bowl?  I don't watch football that often--I mainly tuned in so I had an excuse to get rid of the vodka that was taunting me every time I opened my freezer.  And even though the 49ers lost, there's always next year!
 And what's up with those lights, man?  Apparently it wasn't that exhilarating reuniting of Destiny's Child, fireworks and everything--I guess it helps if you have your own generator.    And next to Cain and Abel, I suppose the sibling rivalry between Harbaugh brothers isn't that bad (everyone kept an eye on them, right?)

It could've been faulty wiring, it could've been a freak accident,...but what if..?  
I hope they figure it out soon, because football shouldn't have questions in it.