Rambling Anthology
So I was at my favorite coffee shop, and I noticed these beautiful paintings up on the wall.  I always love the artwork they have up, and I decided to not pass up this wonderful artist.  I asked the barista (why wont the spell-check recognize 'barista'?) and he hooked me up with the artist, Julie Mason.  Go here for her stuff.

Of course, I wouldn't tease you with her website without letting you get to know her, which is why I decided to interview her. Get ready for a lot of reading (these interviews will be one of the few entries with no memes).  And I might or might not have stolen the last two questions out of the Westword paper, but in my defense they shouldn't be asking such awesome questions!

Her name is Julie Mason, and when she's not painting she is a mortgage loan officer.  

Me: How long have you been painting?
Julie: For over twenty years.  I did a loan for gal who owned an art studio, and I took watercolor class from her.

Me: Do you have a schedule?
Julie: I used to paint when my work was done, now the work is never done.  I try to commit to paint every week.  My goal is to make enough money to own a gallery, that would be ideal.  So I'm very motivated  to do a lot of loans, I've already got it all pictured in my mind.  It's gotta be some place where people gather.

Me: Do you have a process?
Julie: Whenever I have inspiration, it usually varies.  I switch, I do a landscape, then a portrait (portraits are intense), then flowers.  

Me: So do you like to listen to music or do you like to work in silence?
Julie: Both, and I usually instrumental music.  I would like to develop a playlist for when I paint.  I like painting with other people.  We can point out some things that are missing, it's very valuable to paint with other people.

Me: Do you have any artists that inspire you?
Julie: I wish I could say yes.  I don't have a specific artist, but whenever I go look at art it inspires me.  I'm from Scottsdale, and there there's an outdoor art show, some are sculptures, some are oils, etc...to be able to talk with them.  The one thing I can't do is abstract.

Me: You mentioned working with watercolors and oils.  What's your favorite material to work with?
Julie: For the last fifteen years I've painted in oils.  But, I just found a new watercolor paper, Yupo, which allows you  to do different things with watercolor.  I also like working with pastels.

Me: Would you still paint if you were the last person on earth?
Julie: Definitely. 

Me: Name one thing that everybody seems to love but you hate?
Julie: Artist's statements--when an artist has to explain what their piece means.  The art should speak for itself.
Julie Mason's art website: juliemasonart.com

Yupo paper: dickblick.com

Most amazing free paper in Denver, CO: http://www.westword.com/

Best little coffee shop in Denver: http://sojoscoffee.com/

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