Rambling Anthology
You ever have those days where you just don't want to think?  For me, today is that day.  It would be easier to just sit back and watch Rachel Ray so the I could clap along with the audience (if you don't know, go watch...the sheep mentality is amazing)

Days like this is the reason I have quotes in frames next to my bed.  Today's quote is from the Dalai Lama, "I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe."

If anyone else is feeling the same way, I would suggest surrounding yourself with positive things.  I have my quotes, others go out in their garden or hug their pets (heaven forbid anyone has a pet alligator) but whatever you do, keep going.  

<----Maybe post this above your bed.  What's more enlightening than Uncle Sam preparing for a fight?  If he can do it with a shitty economy and fatass kids, so can you!

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