Rambling Anthology
So, it's been a while since I've had a date.

I know, I know, hard to believe with looks like this, but it's true.  It's a tough dry-spell.  I need love.

I think a lot of the problem is I don't leave the house.  As a rule I'm not the best around other humans, which would explain why I haven't had a 'real' job in over a year.  

I mean, it's not like I'm really bad around people--I'm decent, for the most part I know how to act, but I just feel awkward.  

And I don't have any specific trust issues with men.  I've had one bad break-up, and I know not to repeat those mistakes.  

Maybe I should join a dating site.  Anyone have suggestions?  Keep in mind that I'm cheaper than Barbara Streisand at a restaurant (my apologies to restaurants).

I keep thinking that I'll find someone at my coffee shop, but the only people there are hipsters and old people (my apologies to old people).

I suppose the best thing to do is to keep at it.  As my mother always said, "When you know better, you do better."  I've got the first part down, at least.


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